
The world is full of those who view their life as a success by the material possessions and money they have assessed.  Are they so deluded that that's what they want to be remembered for? Unfortunately, such is the demeanour of these individuals they can make those who care little about these things feel somewhat inferior. You will have no doubt witnessed this yourself at times, and the most common place in at work. There are the high flyers in every company, with their sharp suits, flash cars and platinum credit cards. Then there are those who just carry on doing their jobs but are good people. Letting somebody who you don't have a close relationship with know that they are a person of value can be tricky, so thank goodness you can send them this ecard. A small waterfall is the image, with water bubbling over the stones that do little to stem the flow. The words of Albert Einstein are also on the business ecards “Try not to become a person of success but instead try to become a person of value”. Strip away all the materialistic achievements of the high flyer and they are worthless, those who are people of value are the richest people in the world.....


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