The Christmas eCard Blog

Get the lowdown on what makes a great Christmas eCard and how to create one for your business.

22 of the Best Email Marketing Tools for Small to Medium Businesses

Email marketing, whilst not as shiny and fresh as social media, has remained a staple of virtually every successful online business. Email marketing…

The Use of Different Technology for Recruiting

The recruitment industry has been able to reach many more candidates looking for employment, because of how active people are online and…

Where is YOUR Audience on Social Media?

Facebook marketing is dead. How many articles have you read that start off like this? And that Twitter is useless for marketing?…

Is Email Marketing Right For YOUR Business?

More customers are interacting with brands through social media so having a strong marketing plan that concretes a business presence on the…

5 Ways to Engage Your Customers

For businesses that want to engage with their customers, there are a lot of tools out there to ensure they get that…

Another Case of Bad Ad Placement

It might seem hilarious to those who are sitting on the side lines, but if your ad appears in the wrong place…

4 Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Because our business ecards are all about email communication we like to think we know what we are talking about when it…

Be Careful Where You Place That Ad

At Ecard Shack we love to scan the internet and find examples of where well thought out advertising campaigns have been scuppered…

A Good Tagline Works Wonders

If you are trying to think up a suitable tagline for your next business marketing campaign then at Ecard Shack we like…

When You Say Too Much

The key to good copy and great communication is not to overstate your case. Throw too many words in there and your…

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